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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Hipparcos Catalogue'
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:hipparcos_main, year=2008, title={Hipparcos Catalogue}, author={{GAVO} Data Centre}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center} }
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
hipno | HIP# | Identifier (HIP number) | N/A |;meta.main |
ra | RA | Right ascension ICRS (Epoch J1991.25) | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
dec | Dec | Declination ICRS (Epoch J1991.25) | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
vmag | m_V | Magnitude in Johnson V | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
varFlag | Var? | Coarse variability flag [Note 2] | N/A | meta.code;src.var |
whatPos | Pos. of | Position is for -- A-Z: multiple component, *: Photocenter, +: Center of mass | N/A | meta.note |
parallax | Parallax | Trigonometric parallax | deg | pos.parallax.trig |
pmRA | PM(RA)*cos(delta) | Proper motion in RA, cos(delta) applied | deg/yr |;pos.eq.ra |
pmDE | PM(delta) | Proper motion in Declination | deg/yr |;pos.eq.dec |
e_RAdeg | Err. RA | Standard error in RA*cos(delta) | deg | stat.error |
e_DEdeg | Err. Dec | Standard error in DE | deg | stat.error |
e_parallax | Err. Par | Standard error of parallax | deg | stat.error |
e_pmRA | Err. PM RA | Standard error in PM in RA | deg/yr | stat.error |
e_pmDE | Err. PM Dec | Standard error in PM in Dec | deg/yr | stat.error |
F2 | Fit qual. | Goodness-of-fit parameter, >3 means bad data | N/A | |
Hpmag | Med. Mag. | Median magnitude in Hipparcos system | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
e_Hpmag | Err. Med. Mag. | Standard error on median magnitude | mag | stat.error |
Hpscat | Mag. Scatter | Scatter on median magnitude | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
o_Hpmag | #mags | Number of observations in median magnitude | N/A | meta.number |
whatMag | Mag. of | Mag is for -- A-Z: multiple component, *: combined and corrected for attenuation, +: combined and not corrected for attenuation | N/A | meta.code.multip |
Hpmax | Mag. Max. | Hpmag at maximum (5th percentile) | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
Hpmin | Mag. Min. | Hpmag at minimum (95th percentile) | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
period | Period | Variability period | s | time.period |
SpType | Spect. | Spectral type from various sources | N/A | src.spType |
MultFlag | Multiple? | Multiplicity flag, see note. [Note 1] | N/A | meta.code.multip |
binPA | PA | Position angle between components | deg | pos.posAng;src.orbital |
binSep | Separation | Angular separation between components | arcsec | pos.angDistance;src.orbital |
binSepErr | Err(Sep) | Standard error on ang. separation | arcsec | stat.error;pos.angDistance;src.orbital |
magDiff | Diff(mags) | Magnitude difference of components | mag | phot.mag;arith.diff |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
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