Gaia DR2-light Cone Search

This schema contains data re-published from the official Gaia mirrors (such as ivo:// either to support combining its data with local tables (the various Xlite tables) or to make the data more accessible to VO clients (e.g., epoch fluxes).

Other Gaia-related data is found in, among others, the gdr2dist, gdr3mock, gdr3spec, gedr3auto, gedr3dist, gedr3mock, and gedr3spur schemas.

Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object
Search radius in arcminutes
Absolute barycentric stellar parallax of the source at the reference epoch ref_epoch. If looking for a distance, consider joining with gdr2dist.main and using the distances from there.
Mean magnitude in the G band. This is computed from the G-band mean flux applying the magnitude zero-point in the Vega scale.
Mean magnitude in the integrated BP band. This is computed from the BP-band mean flux applying the magnitude zero-point in the Vega scale. No error is provided for this quantity as the error distribution is only symmetric in flux space. For errors small compared to the flux (less than 10%, say), the magnitude error is well approximated by 1.09*flux/flux_err.
Mean magnitude in the integrated RP band. This is computed from the RP-band mean flux applying the magnitude zero-point in the Vega scale. No error is provided for this quantity as the error distribution is only symmetric in flux space. For errors small compared to the flux (less than 10%, say), the magnitude error is well approximated by 1.09*flux/flux_err.
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If you use public Gaia DR2 data in a paper, please take note of ESAC's guide on how to acknowledge and cite it.