This service has an associated publication. If you use its data, it may be appropriate to reference 2017AJ....153...75K (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the service as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:rave_scs, year=2009, title={{RAVE} DR5 Cone Search}, author={Kordopatis,G. and Gilmore, G. and Steinmetz, M. and Boeche, C. and Seabroke, G.M. and Siebert, A. and Zwitter, T. and Binney, J. and de Laverny, P. and Recio−Blanco, A. and Williams, M.E.K. and Piffl, T. and Enke, H. and Roeser, S. and Bijaoui, A. and Wyse, R.F.G. and Freeman, K. and Munari, U. and Carillo, I. and Anguiano, B. and Burton, D. and Campbell, R. and Cass, C.J.P. and Fiegert, K. and Hartley, M. and Parker, Q.A. and Reid, W. and Ritter, A. and Russell, K.S. and Stupart, M. and Watson, F.G. and Bienayme, ́O. and Bland−Hawthorn, J. and Gerhard, O. and Gibson, B.K. and Grebel, E.K. and Helmi, A. and Navarro, J.F. and Conrad, C. and Famaey, B. and Faure, C. and Just, A. and Kos, J. and Matijevic, G. and {McMillan}, P.J. and Minchev, I. and Scholz, R. and Sharma, S. and Siviero, A. and Wylie de Boer, E. and Zerjal, M.}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center} }
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