Table information for 'gedr3mock.parsec_props'


Table Description: This table is intended to augment the Gaia photometry of GeDR3 Mock stars with other bands and extinctions (Sloan, Johnson and 2MASS). The grid was generated by binning all isochrones in logg, teff, and feh and taking the median values of all isochrone models that fall within one bin. We also report the median values of some astrophysical parameters so that one can check how far the actual star abundances deviate from the bin's median. For the extinction we report the extinction for the specific isochrone bin in a specific photometric band for 6 different values of monochromatic extinction, A_0, i.e. 1,2,3,5,10,20 mag. Sometimes stars in GeDR3 Mock depart from the isochrone grid, because, e.g., the feh value is outside of the grid or values have been interpolated by Galaxia in the catalog generation from the Parsec isochrones. Then the index_parsec is assigned to the nearest neighbour in log_lum and log_teff.

This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description: This catalogue is a simulation of the Gaia EDR3 stellar content using Galaxia (a tool to sample stars from a Besancon-like Milky Way model), 3d dust extinction maps and the latest PARSEC Isochrones. It is mimicking the Gaia DR2 data model and an apparent magnitude limit of G=20,7. Extinctions and photometry in different bands have also been included in a supplementary table as well as uncertainty estimates using scaled GDR2 errors. Additional magnitude limit per HEALpix maps are provided, based on the mode in the magnitude distribution of Gaia DR2 data.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Gaia early DR3 Mock Catalogue (gedr3mock)'

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Citing this table

This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2020PASP..132g4501R (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={Parsec-based photometry and extinction for {GeDR3} Mock},
  author={Rybizki, J. and Demleitner, M. and Bailer-Jones, C. and Tio, P. D. and Cantat-Gaudin, T. and Fouesneau, M. and Chen, Y. and Andrae, R. and Girardi, L. and Sharma, S.},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center},
  doi = {10.21938/dBrplG8I1KR7RyfkMXTyYA}


Sorted alphabetically. [Sort by DB column index]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
A0_10_gaia_bpbr A_0(BP_bright) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_10_gaia_bpft A_0(BP_faint) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_10_gaia_g A_0(G) Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_10_gaia_rp A_0(RP) Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_10_gaia_rvs A_0(RVS) Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_10_sloan_g A_0(g) Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_10_sloan_i A_0(i) Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_10_sloan_r A_0(r) Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_10_sloan_u A_0(u) Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_10_sloan_z A_0(z) Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_10_tmass_h A_0(H) Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_10_tmass_j A_0(J) Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_10_tmass_ks A_0(Ks) Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_10_ubv_b A_0(B) Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_10_ubv_h A_0(JH) Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_10_ubv_i A_0(I) Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_10_ubv_j A_0(JL) Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_10_ubv_k A_0(JK) Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_10_ubv_m A_0(JM) Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_10_ubv_r A_0(R) Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_10_ubv_u A_0(U) Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_10_ubv_v A_0(V) Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 10 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_1_gaia_bpbr A_0(BP_bright) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_1_gaia_bpft A_0(BP_faint) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_1_gaia_g A_0(G) Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_1_gaia_rp A_0(RP) Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_1_gaia_rvs A_0(RVS) Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_1_sloan_g A_0(g) Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_1_sloan_i A_0(i) Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_1_sloan_r A_0(r) Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_1_sloan_u A_0(u) Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_1_sloan_z A_0(z) Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_1_tmass_h A_0(H) Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_1_tmass_j A_0(J) Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_1_tmass_ks A_0(Ks) Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_1_ubv_b A_0(B) Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_1_ubv_h A_0(JH) Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_1_ubv_i A_0(I) Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_1_ubv_j A_0(JL) Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_1_ubv_k A_0(JK) Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_1_ubv_m A_0(JM) Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_1_ubv_r A_0(R) Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_1_ubv_u A_0(U) Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_1_ubv_v A_0(V) Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 1 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_20_gaia_bpbr A_0(BP_bright) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_20_gaia_bpft A_0(BP_faint) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_20_gaia_g A_0(G) Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_20_gaia_rp A_0(RP) Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_20_gaia_rvs A_0(RVS) Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_20_sloan_g A_0(g) Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_20_sloan_i A_0(i) Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_20_sloan_r A_0(r) Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_20_sloan_u A_0(u) Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_20_sloan_z A_0(z) Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_20_tmass_h A_0(H) Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_20_tmass_j A_0(J) Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_20_tmass_ks A_0(Ks) Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_20_ubv_b A_0(B) Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_20_ubv_h A_0(JH) Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_20_ubv_i A_0(I) Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_20_ubv_j A_0(JL) Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_20_ubv_k A_0(JK) Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_20_ubv_m A_0(JM) Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_20_ubv_r A_0(R) Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_20_ubv_u A_0(U) Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_20_ubv_v A_0(V) Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 20 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_2_gaia_bpbr A_0(BP_bright) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_2_gaia_bpft A_0(BP_faint) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_2_gaia_g A_0(G) Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_2_gaia_rp A_0(RP) Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_2_gaia_rvs A_0(RVS) Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_2_sloan_g A_0(g) Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_2_sloan_i A_0(i) Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_2_sloan_r A_0(r) Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_2_sloan_u A_0(u) Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_2_sloan_z A_0(z) Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_2_tmass_h A_0(H) Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_2_tmass_j A_0(J) Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_2_tmass_ks A_0(Ks) Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_2_ubv_b A_0(B) Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_2_ubv_h A_0(JH) Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_2_ubv_i A_0(I) Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_2_ubv_j A_0(JL) Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_2_ubv_k A_0(JK) Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_2_ubv_m A_0(JM) Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_2_ubv_r A_0(R) Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_2_ubv_u A_0(U) Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_2_ubv_v A_0(V) Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 2 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_3_gaia_bpbr A_0(BP_bright) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_3_gaia_bpft A_0(BP_faint) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_3_gaia_g A_0(G) Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_3_gaia_rp A_0(RP) Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_3_gaia_rvs A_0(RVS) Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_3_sloan_g A_0(g) Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_3_sloan_i A_0(i) Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_3_sloan_r A_0(r) Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_3_sloan_u A_0(u) Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_3_sloan_z A_0(z) Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_3_tmass_h A_0(H) Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_3_tmass_j A_0(J) Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_3_tmass_ks A_0(Ks) Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_3_ubv_b A_0(B) Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_3_ubv_h A_0(JH) Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_3_ubv_i A_0(I) Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_3_ubv_j A_0(JL) Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_3_ubv_k A_0(JK) Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_3_ubv_m A_0(JM) Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_3_ubv_r A_0(R) Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_3_ubv_u A_0(U) Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_3_ubv_v A_0(V) Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 3 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_5_gaia_bpbr A_0(BP_bright) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_5_gaia_bpft A_0(BP_faint) Median extinction in the Gaia BP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_5_gaia_g A_0(G) Median extinction in the Gaia G band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_5_gaia_rp A_0(RP) Median extinction in the Gaia RP band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_5_gaia_rvs A_0(RVS) Median extinction in the Gaia RVS band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_5_sloan_g A_0(g) Median extinction in the SDSS g band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
A0_5_sloan_i A_0(i) Median extinction in the SDSS i band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_5_sloan_r A_0(r) Median extinction in the SDSS r band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_5_sloan_u A_0(u) Median extinction in the SDSS u band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_5_sloan_z A_0(z) Median extinction in the SDSS z band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_5_tmass_h A_0(H) Median extinction in the 2MASS H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_5_tmass_j A_0(J) Median extinction in the 2MASS J band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_5_tmass_ks A_0(Ks) Median extinction in the 2MASS Ks band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_5_ubv_b A_0(B) Median extinction in the Johnson B band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.B
A0_5_ubv_h A_0(JH) Median extinction in the Johnson H band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_5_ubv_i A_0(I) Median extinction in the Johnson I band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.I
A0_5_ubv_j A_0(JL) Median extinction in the Johnson L band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_5_ubv_k A_0(JK) Median extinction in the Johnson K band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_5_ubv_m A_0(JM) Median extinction in the Johnson M band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;
A0_5_ubv_r A_0(R) Median extinction in the Johnson R band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.R
A0_5_ubv_u A_0(U) Median extinction in the Johnson U band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.U
A0_5_ubv_v A_0(V) Median extinction in the Johnson V band for monochromatic extinction (A_0) of 5 mag for the respective isochrone bin mag phys.absorption;em.opt.V
gaia_bpbr Mag. BP_bright Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia BP band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.B
gaia_bpft Mag. BP_faint Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia BP band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.B
gaia_g Mag. G Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia G band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.V
gaia_rp Mag. RP Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia RP band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
gaia_rvs Mag. RVS Median absolute magnitude in the Gaia RVS band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
index_parsec Phot. Ref. The primary key of the photometry table, useful for joining with index_parsec in gedr3mock.main. This has the format LLLTTTFFF indexing bins in log_lum, log_teff, feh in the parsec isochrones. To find the actual bin centers, see the log_lum, log_teff, and meh_ini columns. N/A meta.ref
log_age log(Age) Median log of model star age at the parsec bin. log(yr) time.age
log_grav log(g) Median Log of the surface gravity of all model stars in the parsec bin. log(m/s**2) phys.gravity
log_lum Lum Median Log of luminosity of all model stars in the parsec bin. log(solLum) phys.luminosity
log_teff T_eff Median Log of the effective temperature of all model stars in the parsec bin. log(K) phys.temperature.effective
m_act Mass_current Median of the current (at log_age) mass of all model star in the parsec bin. solMass phys.mass
m_ini Mass_initial Median of the initial (zero age) mass of all model stars in the parsec bin. solMass phys.mass
meh_ini [Fe/H]_0 Log of initial model metalicity at the center of this bin. N/A phys.abund.z
sloan_g Mag. g Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS g band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.V
sloan_i Mag. i Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS i band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
sloan_r Mag. r Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS r band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
sloan_u Mag. u Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS u band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.U
sloan_z Mag. z Median absolute magnitude in the SDSS z band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
tmass_h Mag. H Median absolute magnitude in the 2MASS H band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
tmass_j Mag. J Median absolute magnitude in the 2MASS J band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
tmass_ks Mag. K' Median absolute magnitude in the 2MASS K' band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
ubv_b Mag. B Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson B band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.B
ubv_h Mag. H Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson H band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
ubv_i Mag. I Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson I band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
ubv_j Mag. J Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson J band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
ubv_k Mag. K Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson K band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
ubv_l Mag. L Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson L band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
ubv_m Mag. M Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson M band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;
ubv_r Mag. R Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson R band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
ubv_u Mag. U Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson U band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.U
ubv_v Mag. V Median absolute magnitude in the Johnson V band (note that no extinction is applied) in the respective isochrone bin. mag phot.mag;em.opt.V

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


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