Further access options are discussed below
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'TheoSSA - Theoretical Stellar Spectra Access'
You can access this service using:
This service is published as follows:
local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.
Other services provided on the underlying data include:
The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
el1 | Element 1 | Element for mass fraction 1 | N/A | N/A |
el2 | Element 2 | Element for mass fraction 2 | N/A | N/A |
el3 | Element 3 | Element for mass fraction 3 | N/A | N/A |
log_g_max | Max Log. Surface gravity [cm/s2] | Upper bound of surface gravities to include | cm/s**2 | phys.gravity |
log_g_min | Min Log. Surface gravity [cm/s2] | Lower bound of surface gravities to include | cm/s**2 | phys.gravity |
mdot_max | Max Mass loss rate [solMass/yr] | Upper bound of mass loss rates to include | solMass/yr | phys.mass.loss |
mdot_min | Min Mass loss rate [solMass/yr] | Lower bound of mass loss rates to include | solMass/yr | phys.mass.loss |
mfmax1 | Max. Mass Fraction 1 | Mass fraction 1, upper bound of interval | N/A | N/A |
mfmax2 | Max. Mass Fraction 2 | Mass fraction 2, upper bound of interval | N/A | N/A |
mfmax3 | Max. Mass Fraction 3 | Mass fraction 3, upper bound of interval | N/A | N/A |
mfmin1 | Min. Mass Fraction 1 | Mass fraction 1, lower bound of interval | N/A | N/A |
mfmin2 | Min. Mass Fraction 2 | Mass fraction 2, lower bound of interval | N/A | N/A |
mfmin3 | Min. Mass Fraction 3 | Mass fraction 3, lower bound of interval | N/A | N/A |
ssa_targname | Standard Stars | Common name of object observed. | N/A | meta.id;src |
t_eff_max | Max Effective Temperature [K] | Upper bound of the atmosphere's effective temperatures to include | K | phys.temperature.effective |
t_eff_min | Min Effective Temperature [K] | Lower bound of the atmosphere's effective temperatures to include | K | phys.temperature.effective |
The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
accref | Product key | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url;meta.dataset |
log_g | Log Grav. | Log of surface gravity assumed | cm/s**2 | phys.gravity |
mdot | Mass loss rate | Mass loss rate | solMass/yr | phys.mass.loss |
ssa_collection | Collection | A short handle naming the collection this spectrum belongs to. | N/A | N/A |
ssa_specend | Band end | Upper value of spectral coordinate | m | em.wl;stat.max |
ssa_specstart | Band start | Lower value of spectral coordinate | m | em.wl;stat.min |
t_eff | Eff. Temp. | Effective temperature assumed | K | phys.temperature.effective |
w_Al | Al | Mass fraction of Al in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Ar | Ar | Mass fraction of Ar in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Ba | Ba | Mass fraction of Ba in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_C | C | Mass fraction of C in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Ca | Ca | Mass fraction of Ca in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Cl | Cl | Mass fraction of Cl in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Co | Co | Mass fraction of Co in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_F | F | Mass fraction of F in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Fe | Fe | Mass fraction of Fe in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Ge | Ge | Mass fraction of Ge in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_H | H | Mass fraction of H in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_He | He | Mass fraction of He in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Kr | Kr | Mass fraction of Kr in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Mg | Mg | Mass fraction of Mg in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_N | N | Mass fraction of N in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Na | Na | Mass fraction of Na in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Ni | Ni | Mass fraction of Ni in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_O | O | Mass fraction of O in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_P | P | Mass fraction of P in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_S | S | Mass fraction of S in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Si | Si | Mass fraction of Si in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Sn | Sn | Mass fraction of Sn in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Xe | Xe | Mass fraction of Xe in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
w_Zn | Zn | Mass fraction of Zn in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund |
The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD | Verb. Level |
accref | Product key | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url;meta.dataset | 1 |
ssa_location | Location | ICRS location of aperture center | deg | pos.eq | 5 |
ssa_dateObs | Date Obs. | Midpoint of exposure (MJD) | d | time.epoch | 5 |
ssa_timeExt | Exp. Time | Exposure duration | s | time.duration | 5 |
ssa_length | Length | Number of points in the spectrum | N/A | N/A | 5 |
t_eff | Eff. Temp. | Effective temperature assumed | K | phys.temperature.effective | 9 |
log_g | Log Grav. | Log of surface gravity assumed | cm/s**2 | phys.gravity | 9 |
mdot | Mass loss rate | Mass loss rate | solMass/yr | phys.mass.loss | 9 |
accsize | File size | Size of the data in bytes | byte | N/A | 11 |
ssa_dstitle | Title | A compact and descriptive designation of the dataset. | N/A | meta.title;meta.dataset | 15 |
ssa_creatorDID | C. DID | Dataset identifier assigned by the creator | N/A | meta.id | 15 |
ssa_pubDID | P. DID | Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher | N/A | meta.ref.ivoid | 15 |
ssa_cdate | Proc. Date | Processing/Creation date | N/A | time;meta.dataset | 15 |
ssa_pdate | Pub. Date | Date last published. | N/A | N/A | 15 |
ssa_bandpass | Bandpass | Bandpass (i.e., rough spectral location) of this dataset; this should be the most appropriate term from the vocabulary http://www.ivoa.net/rdf/messenger. | N/A | instr.bandpass | 15 |
ssa_cversion | C. Version | Creator assigned version for this dataset (will be incremented when this particular item is changed). | N/A | meta.version;meta.dataset | 15 |
ssa_targname | Object | Common name of object observed. | N/A | meta.id;src | 15 |
ssa_targclass | Ob. cls | Object class (star, QSO,...; use Simbad object classification http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-display?data=otypes if at all possible) | N/A | src.class | 15 |
ssa_redshift | z | Redshift of target object | N/A | src.redshift | 15 |
ssa_targetpos | Obj. pos | Equatorial (ICRS) position of the target object. | N/A | pos.eq;src | 15 |
ssa_snr | SNR | Signal-to-noise ratio estimated for this dataset | N/A | stat.snr | 15 |
ssa_aperture | Aperture | Angular diameter of aperture | deg | phys.angSize;instr.fov | 15 |
ssa_specmid | Mid. Band | Midpoint of region covered in this dataset | m | instr.bandpass | 15 |
ssa_specext | Bandwidth | Width of the spectrum | m | instr.bandwidth | 15 |
ssa_specstart | Band start | Lower value of spectral coordinate | m | em.wl;stat.min | 15 |
ssa_specend | Band end | Upper value of spectral coordinate | m | em.wl;stat.max | 15 |
ssa_csysName | Sys | System RA and Dec are given in | N/A | N/A | 15 |
ssa_spectralucd | UCD(spectral) | UCD of the spectral column in the spectra served; when you have wavelengths, use em.wl for vacuum wavelengths, em.wl;obs.atmos for air wavelengths. | N/A | meta.ucd | 15 |
ssa_spectralunit | unit(spectral) | Unit of the spectral column | N/A | meta.unit | 15 |
ssa_fluxucd | UCD(flux) | UCD of the flux column | N/A | meta.ucd | 15 |
ssa_fluxunit | unit(flux) | Unit of the flux column | N/A | meta.unit | 15 |
ssa_publisher | Publisher | Publisher of the datasets included here. | N/A | meta.curation | 15 |
ssa_creator | Creator | Creator of the datasets included here. | N/A | N/A | 15 |
ssa_collection | Collection | A short handle naming the collection this spectrum belongs to. | N/A | N/A | 15 |
ssa_instrument | Instrument | Instrument or code used to produce these datasets | N/A | meta.id;instr | 15 |
ssa_datasource | Src | Method of generation for the data (one of survey, pointed, theory, custom, artificial). | N/A | N/A | 15 |
ssa_creationtype | Using | Process used to produce the data (archival, cutout, filtered, mosaic, projection, spectralExtraction, or catalogExtraction) | N/A | N/A | 15 |
ssa_reference | Ref. | URL or bibcode of a publication describing this data. | N/A | meta.bib.bibcode | 15 |
ssa_fluxStatError | Err. flux | Statistical error in flux | N/A | stat.error;phot.flux.density;em | 15 |
ssa_fluxSysError | Sys. Err flux | Systematic error in flux | N/A | stat.error.sys;phot.flux.density;em | 15 |
ssa_fluxcalib | Calib Flux | Type of flux calibration (ABSOLUTE, CALIBRATED, RELATIVE, NORMALIZED, or UNCALIBRATED). | N/A | N/A | 15 |
ssa_binSize | Spect. Bin | Bin size in wavelength | m | em.wl;spect.binSize | 15 |
ssa_spectStatError | Err. Spect | Statistical error in wavelength | m | stat.error;em | 15 |
ssa_spectSysError | Sys. Err. Spect | Systematic error in wavelength | m | stat.error.sys;em | 15 |
ssa_speccalib | Calib. Spect. | Type of wavelength calibration | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
ssa_specres | Spec. Res. | Resolution (in meters of wavelength) on the spectral axis | m | spect.resolution;em.wl | 15 |
ssa_spaceError | Err. Spc | Statistical error in position | deg | stat.error;pos.eq | 15 |
ssa_spaceCalib | Calib. Spc | Type of calibration in spatial coordinates | N/A | meta.code.qual | 15 |
ssa_spaceRes | Res. Spc | Spatial resolution of data | deg | pos.angResolution | 15 |
w_H | H | Mass fraction of H in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_He | He | Mass fraction of He in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Li | Li | Mass fraction of Li in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Be | Be | Mass fraction of Be in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_B | B | Mass fraction of B in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_C | C | Mass fraction of C in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_N | N | Mass fraction of N in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_O | O | Mass fraction of O in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_F | F | Mass fraction of F in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ne | Ne | Mass fraction of Ne in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Na | Na | Mass fraction of Na in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Mg | Mg | Mass fraction of Mg in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Al | Al | Mass fraction of Al in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Si | Si | Mass fraction of Si in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_P | P | Mass fraction of P in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_S | S | Mass fraction of S in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Cl | Cl | Mass fraction of Cl in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ar | Ar | Mass fraction of Ar in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_K | K | Mass fraction of K in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ca | Ca | Mass fraction of Ca in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Sc | Sc | Mass fraction of Sc in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ti | Ti | Mass fraction of Ti in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_V | V | Mass fraction of V in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Cr | Cr | Mass fraction of Cr in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Mn | Mn | Mass fraction of Mn in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Fe | Fe | Mass fraction of Fe in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Co | Co | Mass fraction of Co in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ni | Ni | Mass fraction of Ni in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Zn | Zn | Mass fraction of Zn in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ga | Ga | Mass fraction of Ga in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ge | Ge | Mass fraction of Ge in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Kr | Kr | Mass fraction of Kr in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Mo | Mo | Mass fraction of Mo in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Tc | Tc | Mass fraction of Tc in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Sn | Sn | Mass fraction of Sn in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Xe | Xe | Mass fraction of Xe in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
w_Ba | Ba | Mass fraction of Ba in the model computed. | N/A | phys.abund | 19 |
mime | Type | MIME type of the file served | N/A | meta.code.mime | 20 |
ssa_model | Model | Data model name and version | N/A | N/A | 20 |
ssa_timeSI | [Time] | Time conversion factor in Osuna-Salgado convention. | N/A | N/A | 20 |
ssa_spectralSI | [Spectral] | Spectral conversion factor in Osuna-Salgado convention | N/A | N/A | 20 |
ssa_fluxSI | [Flux] | Flux/magnitude conversion factor in Osuna-Salgado convention | N/A | N/A | 20 |
ssa_dstype | Data type | Type of data (spectrum, time series, etc) | N/A | N/A | 20 |
owner | Owner | Owner of the data | N/A | N/A | 25 |
embargo | Embargo ends | Date the data will become/became public | yr | N/A | 25 |
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