Information on Service 'Ultracool Dwarf Companion Catalogue UCDC'

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The Ultracool Dwarf Companion Catalogue consists of 278 multiple systems, 32 of which are newly discovered, each with at least one spectroscopically confirmed Ultracool Dwarf, within a 100 pc volume-limited sample. This catalogue is compiled using the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars for stellar primaries and the Gaia Ultracool Dwarf Sample for low-mass companions and includes 241 doubles, 33 triples, and 4 higher-order systems established from positional, proper motion, and parallax constraints.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'Ultracool Dwarf Companion Catalogue UCDC'


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1997.8 2016.5

This service is published as follows:

local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.

Input Fields

The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
age Age Age of the object from age_ref Gyr time.age
DEC Delta (ICRS) Declination (ICRS decimal) deg pos.eq.dec
discovery_name Disc. Name Known identifier from literature N/A
hscs_pos Position/Name Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object N/A N/A
hscs_sr Search radius Search radius in arcminutes N/A N/A
mass Mass Mass of the object from mass_ref solMass phys.mass
maxrec Match limit Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. N/A N/A
RA Alpha (ICRS) Right Ascension (ICRS decimal) deg pos.eq.ra
responseformat Output Format File format requested for output. N/A meta.code.mime
SR Search Radius Search radius deg N/A
verb Verbosity Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. N/A N/A

Default Output Fields

The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
_r Dist. Distance to cone center deg pos.distance
age Age Age of the object from age_ref Gyr time.age
ang_sep Separation Angular Separation between companion and the ultracool dwarf arcsec pos.angDistance
bd_ref Bin. Src Binarity discovery bibcode N/A meta.bib.bibcode
dec Dec Declination from epoch-ref deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main
discovery_name Disc. Name Known identifier from literature N/A
epoch Pos. epooch Epoch of object position a time.epoch
epoch_ref Pos. Src. Bibcode for the source of the epoch position N/A meta.bib.bibcode;pos
err_mag_g Err. m_G Error in G-band mean magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V
err_mag_rp Err. m_RP Error in RP mean magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R
err_pmdec Err. PM(Dec) Error in proper motion in Declination mas/a stat.error;;pos.eq.dec
err_pmra Err. PM(RA) Error in the proper motion in Right Ascension mas/a stat.error;;pos.eq.ra
err_rv Err. RV Error in radial velocity km/s stat.error;phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric
err_t_eff_espucd Err. T_eff ESP Error in T_eff from ESP-UCD K stat.error;phys.temperature.effective
fpp FPP False-Positive Probability - Probability of the system being a False-Positive match N/A
ipd_frac_multi_peak #IPD multi-peak Percent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peak % stat.value
ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude IPD GoF Ampl. Amplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan deg stat.value
logg_gspphot logg Surface gravity from GSP-Phot (DR3) (Median of MCMC values) log(cm/s**2) phys.gravity
luminosity L Bolometric luminosity solLum phys.luminosity
luwe LUWE Local Unit Weight Error as per 2022MNRAS.513.5270P N/A stat.error
mag_g m_G G-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.V
mag_g_rp G-RP G-RP colour mag phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.R
mag_h m_H 2MASS H-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag;
mag_j m_J 2MASS J-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag;
mag_k m_K 2MASS K_s-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag;
mag_rp m_RP RP mean magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
mass Mass Mass of the object from mass_ref solMass phys.mass
mh_gspphot [Fe] Iron abundance from GSP-Phot (DR3) (Median of MCMC values, log relative to solar) N/A phys.abund.Fe
num_comp #comp Total number of objects that make up the system N/A meta.number
parallax π Parallax taken from parallax_ref mas pos.parallax
parallax_err Err.π Error in parallax mas stat.error;pos.parallax
plx_diff Δπ Difference in Parallax between companion and the ultracool dwarf mas pos.parallax;arith.diff
pm_diff Δμ Proper Motion difference between companion and the ultracool dwarf, absolute value mas/a;arith.diff
pm_ref Src. PM Bibcode for the source of the proper motions N/A meta.bib.bibcode;
pma_diff Δ(PA) Proper Motion difference between companion and the ultracool dwarf, position angle deg pos.posAng;arith.diff
pmdec PM(Dec) Proper motion in Declination from pm_ref mas/a;pos.eq.dec
pmra PM(RA) Proper motion in Right Ascension from pm_ref mas/a;pos.eq.ra
projected_sep Comp. Dist Projected physical separation between companion and the ultracool dwarf AU pos.distance
ra RA Right Ascension from epoch_ref deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main
ruwe RUWE Renormalised Unit Weight Error N/A stat.error
rv RV Radial Velocity from rv_ref km/s phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric
rv_ref Src. RV Bibcode of the source of rv N/A meta.bib.bibcode;phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric
short_name Name Short (and unique) name used in this catalogue N/A
source_id Source Id Unique source identifier for Gaia DR3 Note id N/A
sptnir Sepct. IR Near Infrared Spectral Type from sptnir_ref N/A src.sptype
sptnir_ref Src. Spectype IR Reference for the near infrared spectral type N/A meta.bib.bibcode;src.sptype
sptopt Spect. Opt. Optical Spectral Type from sptopt_ref N/A src.sptype
sptopt_ref Src. Spectype Opt Reference for the optical spectral type N/A meta.bib.bibcode;src.sptype
sys_num Cat. nr. Identifier of the system in the UCDC N/A;meta.main
t_eff T_eff Effective temperature from t_eff_ref K phys.temperature.effective
v_tan Tangential Tangential Velocity km/s phys.veloc.transverse

VOTable Output Fields

The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD Verb. Level
sys_num Cat. nr. Identifier of the system in the UCDC N/A;meta.main 1
short_name Name Short (and unique) name used in this catalogue N/A 1
source_id Source Id Unique source identifier for Gaia DR3 Note id N/A 1
fpp FPP False-Positive Probability - Probability of the system being a False-Positive match N/A 1
ang_sep Separation Angular Separation between companion and the ultracool dwarf arcsec pos.angDistance 1
ra RA Right Ascension from epoch_ref deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main 1
dec Dec Declination from epoch-ref deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main 1
pmra PM(RA) Proper motion in Right Ascension from pm_ref mas/a;pos.eq.ra 1
pmdec PM(Dec) Proper motion in Declination from pm_ref mas/a;pos.eq.dec 1
err_pmdec Err. PM(Dec) Error in proper motion in Declination mas/a stat.error;;pos.eq.dec 1
mag_g m_G G-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.V 1
mag_rp m_RP RP mean magnitude mag phot.mag;em.opt.R 1
err_mag_rp Err. m_RP Error in RP mean magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R 1
mag_g_rp G-RP G-RP colour mag phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.R 1
sptnir_ref Src. Spectype IR Reference for the near infrared spectral type N/A meta.bib.bibcode;src.sptype 1
rv RV Radial Velocity from rv_ref km/s phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric 1
v_tan Tangential Tangential Velocity km/s phys.veloc.transverse 1
parallax π Parallax taken from parallax_ref mas pos.parallax 5
_r Dist. Distance to cone center deg pos.distance 10
num_comp #comp Total number of objects that make up the system N/A meta.number 15
discovery_name Disc. Name Known identifier from literature N/A 15
bd_ref Bin. Src Binarity discovery bibcode N/A meta.bib.bibcode 15
projected_sep Comp. Dist Projected physical separation between companion and the ultracool dwarf AU pos.distance 15
plx_diff Δπ Difference in Parallax between companion and the ultracool dwarf mas pos.parallax;arith.diff 15
pm_diff Δμ Proper Motion difference between companion and the ultracool dwarf, absolute value mas/a;arith.diff 15
pma_diff Δ(PA) Proper Motion difference between companion and the ultracool dwarf, position angle deg pos.posAng;arith.diff 15
epoch Pos. epooch Epoch of object position a time.epoch 15
epoch_ref Pos. Src. Bibcode for the source of the epoch position N/A meta.bib.bibcode;pos 15
parallax_err Err.π Error in parallax mas stat.error;pos.parallax 15
err_pmra Err. PM(RA) Error in the proper motion in Right Ascension mas/a stat.error;;pos.eq.ra 15
pm_ref Src. PM Bibcode for the source of the proper motions N/A meta.bib.bibcode; 15
err_mag_g Err. m_G Error in G-band mean magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V 15
mag_j m_J 2MASS J-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag; 15
mag_h m_H 2MASS H-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag; 15
mag_k m_K 2MASS K_s-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag; 15
sptopt Spect. Opt. Optical Spectral Type from sptopt_ref N/A src.sptype 15
sptopt_ref Src. Spectype Opt Reference for the optical spectral type N/A meta.bib.bibcode;src.sptype 15
sptnir Sepct. IR Near Infrared Spectral Type from sptnir_ref N/A src.sptype 15
ruwe RUWE Renormalised Unit Weight Error N/A stat.error 15
luwe LUWE Local Unit Weight Error as per 2022MNRAS.513.5270P N/A stat.error 15
ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude IPD GoF Ampl. Amplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan deg stat.value 15
ipd_frac_multi_peak #IPD multi-peak Percent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peak % stat.value 15
err_rv Err. RV Error in radial velocity km/s stat.error;phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric 15
rv_ref Src. RV Bibcode of the source of rv N/A meta.bib.bibcode;phys.veloc;pos.heliocentric 15
t_eff T_eff Effective temperature from t_eff_ref K phys.temperature.effective 15
err_t_eff_espucd Err. T_eff ESP Error in T_eff from ESP-UCD K stat.error;phys.temperature.effective 15
logg_gspphot logg Surface gravity from GSP-Phot (DR3) (Median of MCMC values) log(cm/s**2) phys.gravity 15
mh_gspphot [Fe] Iron abundance from GSP-Phot (DR3) (Median of MCMC values, log relative to solar) N/A phys.abund.Fe 15
luminosity L Bolometric luminosity solLum phys.luminosity 15
mass Mass Mass of the object from mass_ref solMass phys.mass 15
age Age Age of the object from age_ref Gyr time.age 15
parallax_ref Src. π Bibcode for the source of the parallax value N/A meta.bib.bibcode;pos.parallax 25
err_mag_j Err. m_J Error in 2MASS J-band mean magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag; 25
err_mag_h Err. m_H Error in 2MASS H-band mean magnitude mag phot.mag; 25
err_mag_k Err. m_K Error in 2MASS K_s-band mean magnitude mag stat.error;phot.mag; 25
astrometric_n_obs_al Gaia AL #Obs Total number of observations in the along the Gaia scan (AL) direction N/A meta.number 25
phot_g_n_obs Gaia G #Obs Number of observations contributing to G photometry N/A meta.number 25
phot_rp_n_obs Gaia RP #Obs Number of observations contributing to RP photometry N/A meta.number 25
phot_rp_n_blended_transits #RP blended Number of RP blended transits N/A meta.number 25
err_t_eff_lower Err T_eff ↓ Lower error in effective temperature K stat.error;phys.temperature.effective 25
err_t_effupper Err T_eff ↑ Upper error in effective temperature K stat.error;phys.temperature.effective 25
t_eff_ref Src. T_eff 1 = GSP-Phot, 2 = ESP-UCD N/A meta.bib 25
err_logg_gspphot_lower Err logg ↓ Lower error in Surface gravity log(cm/s**2) stat.error;phys.gravity 25
err_logg_gspphotupper Err logg ↑ Upper error in Surface gravity log(cm/s**2) stat.error;phys.gravity 25
err_mh_gspphot_lower Err [Fe] ↓ Lower error in Iron abundance N/A stat.error;phys.abund.Fe 25
err_mh_gspphotupper Err [Fe] ↑ Upper error in Iron abundance N/A stat.error;phys.abund.Fe 25
err_luminosity_lower Err L ↓ Lower error in Bolometric luminosity solLum stat.error;phys.luminosity 25
err_luminosityupper Err L ↑ Upper error in Bolometric luminosity solLum stat.error;phys.luminosity 25
err_mass_lower Err Mass ↓ Lower error in object mass solMass stat.error;phys.mass 25
err_massupper Err Mass ↑ Upper error in object mass solMass stat.error;phys.mass 25
mass_ref Src. Mass Mass reference: 1 = gaia FLAME, 2 = White Dwarf, 3 = BANYAN Sigma N/A meta.bib 25
err_age_lower Err Age ↓ Lower error in Age of the object Gyr stat.error;time.age 25
err_ageupper Err Age ↑ Upper error in Age of the object Gyr stat.error;time.age 25
age_ref Src. Age Age reference: 1 = gaia FLAME, 2 = White Dwarf, 3 = BANYAN Sigma N/A meta.bib 25

Citation Info

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Note id

For the contents of Gaia DR3, the source ID consists of a 64-bit integer, least significant bit = 1 and most significant bit = 64, comprising:

  • a HEALPix index number (sky pixel) in bits 36 - 63; by definition the
    smallest HEALPix index number is zero.
  • a 3-bit Data Processing Centre code in bits 33 - 35; for example
    MOD(source_id / 4294967296, 8) can be used to distinguish between sources initialised via the Initial Gaia Source List by the Torino DPC (code = 0) and sources otherwise detected and assigned by Gaia observations (code > 0)
  • a 25-bit plus 7 bit sequence number within the HEALPix pixel in bits 1
    to 32 split into:
    • a 25 bit running number in bits 8 - 32; the running numbers are
      defined to be positive, i.e. never zero (except in the case of forced empty windows)
    • a 7-bit component number in bits 1 - 7

This means that the HEALpix index level 12 of a given source is contained in the most significant bits. HEALpix index of 12 and lower levels can thus be retrieved as follows:

  • HEALpix level 12 = source_id / 34359738368
  • HEALpix level 11 = source_id / 137438953472
  • HEALpix level 10 = source_id / 549755813888
  • HEALpix level n = source_id / 2^35 * 4^(12 - level).