This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.
Resource Description:
In the context of Kapteyn's plan to obtain a photometric standard, in Potsdam more than 400 photographic plates of several Selected Areas, Special Areas, and Kapteyn-Pritchard areas were obtained between 1910 and 1933, both as direct images and with an object prism. This service provides FITS images of the science area of the plates as well as images of the entire plates, including previous markings.
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Potsdam Kapteyn Series Plates'
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 1963ASPL....9...89L (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:kapteyn_plates, year=2012, title={Potsdam Kapteyn Series Plates}, author={Tsvetkov, M and Tsvetkova, K. and Demleitner, M.}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center} }
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
accref | Product key | Access key for the data | N/A | meta.ref.url |
owner | Owner | Owner of the data | N/A | N/A |
embargo | Embargo ends | Date the data will become/became public | yr | N/A |
mime | Type | MIME type of the file served | N/A | meta.code.mime |
accsize | File size | Size of the data in bytes | byte | VOX:Image_FileSize |
centerAlpha | Ctr. RA | Approximate center of image, RA | deg | pos.eq.ra |
centerDelta | Ctr. Dec | Approximate center of image, Dec | deg | pos.eq.dec |
imageTitle | Title | Synthetic name of the image | N/A | meta.title |
instId | Instrument | Identifier of the originating instrument | N/A |;instr |
dateObs | Obs. date | Epoch at midpoint of observation | d | time;obs.exposure |
nAxes | #axes | Number of axes in data | N/A | pos.wcs.naxes |
pixelSize | Axes Lengths | Number of pixels along each of the axes | pixel | pos.wcs.naxis |
pixelScale | Scales | The pixel scale on each image axis | deg/pixel | pos.wcs.scale |
refFrame | Ref. Frame | Coordinate system reference frame | N/A | pos.frame |
wcs_equinox | Equinox | Equinox of the given coordinates | yr | time.equinox |
wcs_projection | Proj. | FITS WCS projection type | N/A | pos.wcs.ctype |
wcs_refPixel | Ref. pixel | WCS reference pixel | pixel | pos.wcs.crpix |
wcs_refValues | Ref. values | World coordinates at WCS reference pixel | deg | pos.wcs.crval |
wcs_cdmatrix | CD matrix | FITS WCS CDij matrix | deg/pixel | pos.wcs.cdmatrix |
bandpassId | Bandpass | Freeform name of the bandpass used | N/A | instr.bandpass |
bandpassUnit | Bandpass unit | Unit of bandpass specifications (always m). | N/A | N/A |
bandpassRefval | Band Ref. | Characteristic quantity for the bandpass of the image | m | instr.bandpass;stat.median |
bandpassHi | Band upper | Upper limit of the bandpass (in BandPass_Unit units) | m | instr.bandpass;stat.max |
bandpassLo | Band lower | Lower limit of the bandpass (in BandPass_Unit units) | m | instr.bandpass;stat.min |
pixflags | P. Flags | Flags specifying the processing done (C-original; F-resampled; Z-fluxes valid; X-not resampled; V-for display only | N/A | meta.code |
coverage | Coverage | Field covered by the image | deg | N/A |
exposure | Exp. time | Effective exposure time. | s | time.duration;obs.exposure |
airmass | Airmass | Airmass at mean epoch. | N/A | obs.airMass |
object | Targ. Obj. | Special object on plate. | N/A | |
observer | Observer | Observer. | N/A | |
start_time | Start | UT at start of exposure. | d | time.start;obs |
end_time | End | UT at end of exposure. | d | time.end;obs |
wfpdb_id | WFPDB | Plate identifier as in the WFPDB. | N/A | |
pub_did | Pub. DID | Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher. | N/A | meta.ref.url |
platephoto | Photo | Image of the plate including border and other markings. | N/A | meta.ref.url |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
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