- ADQL Query
- GAVO Data Center TAP service
- A classifier for spurious astrometric solutions in Gaia EDR3
- APFS Gaia DR2 Simple Query
- APFS Gaia DR3 Simple Query
- APFS HIP Simple Query
- APFS Simple Query Form
- Astrometric Microlensing Events Predicted from Gaia eDR3
- BGDS Mean Photometry Cone Search
- Bochum Galactic Disk Survey (BGDS) light curves
- GAVO Data Center Obscore Form
- Gaia DR3 Lite Distances Subset Cone Search
- Gaia DR3 MC sampled XP spectra SSA
- Gaia DR3 source catalogue "light"
- Gaia early DR3 Mock Catalogue (gedr3mock)
- Geometric and photogeometric distances to 1.47 billion stars in Gaia Early Data Release 3 (eDR3)
- HDAP -- Heidelberg Digitized Astronomical Plates
- Parameters of 220 million stars from Gaia BP/RP (XP) spectra
- ROSAT All Sky Survey Photon Event List Cone Search
- ROSAT Survey and Pointed Images
- The Fifth Catalogue of Nearby Stars (CNS5)
- TheoSSA TMAP Web Interface
- AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey (APASS) DR10
- Corrections between USNO-B and PPMXL
- Gaia DR2 epoch fluxes
- Gaia DR2 source catalogue "light"
- Hipparcos Catalogue
- OpenNGC
- SDSS DR16 Selection
- The 2MASS point source catalog
- The PPMXL Catalog
- WISE All-Sky Release Catalog SCS
- A Catalog of Galaxies in the Direction of the Perseus Cluster
- A Database of Circumstellar OH Masers
- ARIGFH identified objects
- Candidates for astrometric microlensing
- Computation of GAST, GMST, and ERA
- Constellations as Polygons
- Coordinated microlensing survey observations with Kepler K2/C9 using VST
- DASCH in the VO
- Deep Mosaic of the Fornax cluster core
- Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) Extracted Spectra
- Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) Plate Scans
- Digitized First Byurakan Survey (DFBS) Spectra Query Service
- FEROS Public Spectra
- Flash/Heros SSAP
- Gaia eDR3 Autocorrelation
- Gravitational arc candidates in the CFHTLS-Archive-Research Survey CARS
- Historical Photographic Plate Image Archive
- Joined Bayestar17 3D Dust Map
- LAMOST DR6 Low Resolution Spectra
- LAMOST DR6 Medium Resolution Spectra
- LIFE Target Database Cone Search
- Lens Image Archive
- LoTSS DR2 Polarization spectra
- LoTSS DR2 Rotation Measures
- MWSC Member Search
- MWSC Star Cluster Extension 2014a
- MWSC Star Cluster Search
- Magic Public Spectra
- Optical Polarimetric Catalog for the SMC
- PPAKM31 – Optical Integral Field Spectroscopy of Star-Forming Regions in M31
- Pierre Auger Observatory public DR3
- RAVE DR5 Cone Search
- Reference HII Regions for Abundance Determination
- SMAKCED Census of Structure in Early-type Dwarf Galaxies
- SMAKCED H-band images of Early-Type Virgo Dwarf Galaxies
- SP_ACE spectral analysis tool
- Sasmirala Subarcsecond mid-infrared atlas of local AGN
- Sasmirala Subarcsecond mid-infrared atlas of local AGN, Cone Search
- Scans of the Palomar-Leiden Trojan Survey Plates
- TOSS -- Tübingen Oscillator Strengths Service
- The 10 parsec sample in the Gaia era
- The Fifth Catalogue of Nearby Stars: Continuously Updated Version (CNS5-updated)
- The Gaia eDR3 Catalogue of Nearby Stars GCNS
- The HSOY Catalog
- The Henry Draper Catalog with Gaia IDs
- The Infinite Lightcurve, Tables
- The LIFE Target Star Database LIFETD
- The Panchromatic High-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of Local Group Star Clusters PCSLG
- The Scrolling Infinite Lightcurve
- The Sixth Fundamental Catalogue (FK6)
- VLBI images of Lockman Hole radio sources
- Wide-Field Plate Database WFPDB
- ICRS Corrections by USNO-B1 Plate
- Magellanic Clouds Extinction Values
- Minor Planet Center - Asteroid Orbital Data
- The USNO-B 1.0 Catalog
- Atomic and Molecular Species Names
- Dexter for your data
- GAVO RegTAP Service
- Global PubDID resolver
- Global TAP Schema Simple Search
- Harvest Trigger Service
- Observatory Codes
- STC utype generator
- Semantics Based Registry Browser SemBaReBro
- Shomydl Datalink Formatter
- UCD resolver
- VO Fresh: New Services in the VO RSS
- VOTT: VO Text Treasures
- VOiDOI DOI registration web service
- Validator for IVOA Identifiers
- WIRR VO Registry
- purx Enrollment Web Service
- 1BIGB: First Brazil-ICRANet Gamma-Ray Blazar Catalogue
- 2007-2012 ANTARES search for cosmic neutrino point sources
- A Gaia DR2 mock stellar catalog
- AMANDA-II neutrino candidates
- ARI Catalog of Catalogs
- ARIHIP astrometric catalogue
- Astrometric Microlensing Events Predicted from Gaia DR2
- Boyden Station ADH Plates Web Service
- CARS image cutouts
- CARS source catalogue query
- Corrections between UCAC3 and PPMXL
- Delta-mu Binaries
- Estimated distances to 1.33 billion stars in Gaia DR2
- IceCube-40 neutrino candidates
- LAMOST DR5 survey spectra
- Light Pollution Weather
- Liverpool Quasar Lens Monitoring
- Maidanak Observatory Object Query
- Maidanak Observatory SIAP Query
- MiNDSTEp Lens Images
- Münster Flare Plates Web Service
- Optical Spectroscopy in the CDFS
- PPMX query
- Photometric redshifts in Stripe 82
- Pierre Auger Observatory public data
- Potsdam Kapteyn Plates Web Service
- Spectra of lensed QSOs (SSAP)
- Stripe 82 Photometric Redshifts from SDSS Coadditions
- SuperCOSMOS Sources
- TGAS catalogue
- The Gaia-PS1-SDSS (GPS1) Proper Motion Catalog
- The fifth U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC5)
- The fourth U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC4)
- UCAC3 nocross
- USNO-B1 plates
- Yale/San Juan SPM4 Catalog
- zCosmos Bright Spectroscopic Observations DR2
- DwarfArchives.org – Photometry, spectroscopy, and astrometry of L, T, and Y dwarfs
- GAVO DC Custom Uploading Crossmatcher
- High-Resolution Very Large Array Imaging of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 at 1.4 GHz
- The GAVO ADQL Reference Card
- Time series for the microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0060
- Ultracool Dwarf Companion Catalogue UCDC