Gaia DR3 MC sampled XP spectra SSA

This is a re-publication the Gaia DR3 RP/BP spectra in the IVOA Spectral Data Model. It presents the continous spectra in sampled form, using a Monte Carlo scheme to decorrelate errors, elaborated in this resource's reference URL. The underlying tables are also available for querying through TAP, which opens some powerful methods for mass-analysing the data.

Wavelength (range) of interest (or symbolic bandpass names)
Midpoint of exposure (MJD)
MIME type of the file served
Angular diameter of aperture
Signal-to-noise ratio estimated for this dataset
Redshift of target object
Common name of object observed.
Object class (star, QSO,...; use Simbad object classification if at all possible)
Date last published.
Spatial resolution of data
Type of wavelength calibration
A short handle naming the collection this spectrum belongs to.
Lower limit to spectral resolution power (λ/Δλ) as a single number.
Dataset identifier assigned by the publisher
Dataset identifier assigned by the creator
Shell pattern of target observed (case insensitive)
Shell pattern of target observed (case sensitive)
This is queryData for the default operation; some services support getData as well
Only return the TOP "best" records (on this service, this usually is equivalent to MAXREC, so no ranking is implied).
Return compressed results?
An identifier for a certain run. Opaque to the service
ICRS position of target object
Size of the region of interest around POS
Sort by
Limit to items.

This data is derived from public Gaia DR3 data. Please take note of ESAC's guide on how to acknowledge and cite Gaia results.