Table information for 'apass.dr10'


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Resource Description:

AAVSO Photometric All-Sky Survey (APASS), underway since 2010, covers the entire sky from 7.5 < V < 16.5 magnitude, and in the BVugrizY bandpasses. A northern and a southern site are used, each with twin ASA 20cm astrographs and Apogee Aspen CG16m cameras, covering 2.9x2.9 square degrees with 2.6arcsec pixels. Landolt and SDSS standards are used for all-sky solutions, with typical 0.02mag calibration errors on the bright end.

Data Release 10 is a complete reprocessing of all 500K images taken with the system, including hundreds of nights not part of DR9. Sextractor is used for star finding and centroiding; DAOPHOT is used for aperture photometry; the plate-solving library is used for basic astrometry, supplanted with more precise WCS that utilizes knowledge of the optical train distortions. With these changes, DR10 includes many more stars than prior releases.

More information is available at

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey (APASS) DR10'

Citing this table

This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2018AAS...23222306H (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={{AAVSO} Photometric All Sky Survey ({APASS}) DR10},
  author={Henden, Arne A. and Levine, Stephen and Terrell, Dirk and Welch, Douglas L. and Munari, Ulisse and Kloppenborg, Brian K.},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center}

If you use this data in a paper, please include the following acknowledgement: “This paper makes use of data from the AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey, whose funding has been provided by the Robert Martin Ayers Sciences Fund and from the NSF (AST-1412587).”


Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
id Id APASS DR10 identifier formed as (SPD zone)-(star number) N/A;meta.main
ra Ra ICRS right ascension for this object. N/A pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dec Dec ICRS declination for this object. N/A pos.eq.dec;meta.main
ra_error Err. RA Estimated error in ra (there will be additional systematics especially in crowded fields). deg stat.error;pos.eq.ra
dec_error Err. Dec Estimated error in dec (there will be additional systematics especially in crowded fields). deg stat.error;pos.eq.dec
nobs_b N(B) Number of observations that went into mag_b N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.B
mag_b Mag B Magnitude in Johnson B (Vega system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.B
err_mag_b Err B Estimated error in mag_b. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B
nobs_v N(V) Number of observations that went into mag_v N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.V
mag_v Mag V Magnitude in Johnson V (Vega system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.V
err_mag_v Err V Estimated error in mag_v. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V
nobs_u N(u) Number of observations that went into mag_u N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.U
mag_u Mag u Magnitude in Sloan u' (AB system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.U
err_mag_u Err u Estimated error in mag_u. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U
nobs_g N(g) Number of observations that went into mag_g N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.V
mag_g Mag g Magnitude in Sloan g' (AB system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.V
err_mag_g Err g Estimated error in mag_g. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V
nobs_r N(r) Number of observations that went into mag_r N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.R
mag_r Mag r Magnitude in Sloan r' (AB system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.R
err_mag_r Err r Estimated error in mag_r. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R
nobs_i N(i) Number of observations that went into mag_i N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.I
mag_i Mag i Magnitude in Sloan i' (AB system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
err_mag_i Err i Estimated error in mag_i. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I
nobs_z_s N(z_s) Number of observations that went into mag_z_s N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.I
mag_z_s Mag z_s Magnitude in Sloan z_s (AB system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
err_mag_z_s Err z_s Estimated error in mag_z_s. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I
nobs_y N(Y) Number of observations that went into mag_y N/A meta.number;obs;em.opt.I
mag_y Mag Y Magnitude in Sloan Y (AB system). This is an aperture magnitude obtained with DAOPHOT. mag phot.mag;em.opt.I
err_mag_y Err Y Estimated error in mag_y. From a comparison with DR9, it appears these estimates are overly pessimistic. mag stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


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