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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'SuperCOSMOS Sources'
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2001MNRAS.326.1279H (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:supercosmos_sour, year=2013, title={{SuperCOSMOS} Sources}, author={{GAVO} Data Centre}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center} }
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
objID | Objid | SuperCOSMOS identifier of merged source | N/A |;meta.main |
objIDB | Objidb | objID for B band detection merged into this object | N/A | |
objIDR1 | Objidr1 | objID for R1 band detection merged into this object | N/A | |
objIDR2 | Objidr2 | objID for R2 band detection merged into this object | N/A | |
objIDI | Objidi | objID for I band detection merged into this object | N/A | |
epoch | Epoch | Epoch of position (variance weighted mean epoch of available measures) | yr | time.epoch |
raj2000 | Raj2000 | Mean RA, computed from detections merged in this catalogue | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
dej2000 | Dej2000 | Mean Dec, computed from detections merged in this catalogue | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
sigRA | Sigra | Uncertainty in RA (formal random error not including systematic errors) | deg | stat.error;pos.eq.ra |
sigDec | Sigdec | Uncertainty in Dec (formal random error not including systematic errors) | deg | stat.error;pos.eq.ra |
pmRA | Pmra | Proper motion in RA direction | deg/yr |;pos.eq.ra |
pmDE | Pmde | Proper motion in Dec direction | deg/yr |;pos.eq.dec |
e_pmRA | E_pmra | Error on proper motion in RA direction | deg/yr | stat.error;;pos.eq.ra |
e_pmDE | E_pmde | Error on proper motion in Dec direction | deg/yr | stat.error;;pos.eq.dec |
chi2 | Chi2 | Chi-squared value of proper motion solution | N/A | |
Nplates | Nplates | No. of plates used for this proper motion measurement | N/A | meta.number;obs |
classMagB | Classmagb | B band magnitude selected by B image class | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
classMagR1 | Classmagr1 | R1 band magnitude selected by R1 image class | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
classMagR2 | Classmagr2 | R2 band magnitude selected by R2 image class | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
classMagI | Classmagi | I band magnitude selected by I image class | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
gCorMagB | Gcormagb | B band magnitude assuming object is galaxy | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
gCorMagR1 | Gcormagr1 | R1 band magnitude assuming object is galaxy | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
gCorMagR2 | Gcormagr2 | R2 band magnitude assuming object is galaxy | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
gCorMagI | Gcormagi | I band magnitude assuming object is galaxy | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
sCorMagB | Scormagb | B band magnitude assuming object is star | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
sCorMagR1 | Scormagr1 | R1 band magnitude assuming object is star | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
sCorMagR2 | Scormagr2 | R2 band magnitude assuming object is star | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
sCorMagI | Scormagi | I band magnitude assuming object is star | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
meanClass | Meanclass | Estimate of image class based on unit-weighted mean of individual classes | N/A | src.class.starGalaxy |
classB | Classb | Image classification from B band detection | N/A | src.class;em.opt.B |
classR1 | Classr1 | Image classification from R1 band detection | N/A | src.class;em.opt.R |
classR2 | Classr2 | Image classification from R2 band detection | N/A | src.class;em.opt.R |
classI | Classi | Image classification from I band detection | N/A | src.class;em.opt.I |
ellipB | Ellipb | Ellipticity of B band detection | N/A | src.ellipticity |
ellipR1 | Ellipr1 | Ellipticity of R1 band detection | N/A | src.ellipticity;em.opt.R |
ellipR2 | Ellipr2 | Ellipticity of R2 band detection | N/A | src.ellipticity;em.opt.R |
ellipI | Ellipi | Ellipticity of I band detection | N/A | src.ellipticity;em.opt.I |
qualB | Qualb | Bitwise quality flag from B band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
qualR1 | Qualr1 | Bitwise quality flag from R1 band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
qualR2 | Qualr2 | Bitwise quality flag from R2 band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
qualI | Quali | Bitwise quality flag from I band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
blendB | Blendb | Blend flag from B band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.B |
blendR1 | Blendr1 | Blend flag from R1 band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
blendR2 | Blendr2 | Blend flag from R2 band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.R |
blendI | Blendi | Blend flag from I band detection | N/A | meta.code.qual;em.opt.I |
prfStatB | Prfstatb | Profile statistic from B band detection | N/A | src.class.starGalaxy |
prfStatR1 | Prfstatr1 | Profile statistic from R1 band detection | N/A | src.class.starGalaxy;em.opt.R |
prfStatR2 | Prfstatr2 | Profile statistic from R2 band detection | N/A | src.class.starGalaxy;em.opt.R |
prfStatI | Prfstati | Profile statistic from I band detection | N/A | src.class.starGalaxy;em.opt.R |
Ebmv | Ebmv | The estimated foreground reddening at this position from Schlegel et al. (1998) | mag | phys.absorption |
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