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Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'The 10 parsec sample in the Gaia era'
This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference Astron. Astrophys., submitted either in addition to or instead of the service reference.
To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:
@MISC{vo:tenpc_main, year=2021, title={The 10 parsec sample in the Gaia era}, author={Reylé, C. and Jardine, K. and Fouqué, P. and Caballero, J. A. and Smart, R. L. and Sozzetti, A.}, url={}, howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center} }
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Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
nb_obj | Obj. id | Running number for object, ordered by increasing distance | N/A |;meta.main |
nb_sys | System id | Running number for system, ordered by increasing distance | N/A | |
system_name | System name | Name of the system | N/A | |
obj_cat | Category | One of Star (*), LM (low mass star), BD (brown dwarf), WD (white dwarf), or Planet | N/A | meta.code.class |
obj_name | Object Name | Adopted name of the object | N/A | |
ra | RA | Right ascension at epoch (ICRS) | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
dec | Dec | Declination at epoch (ICRS) | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
epoch | Epoch | Epoch for ra and dec | yr | time.epoch |
parallax | Parallax | Trigonometric parallax | mas | pos.parallax.trig |
parallax_error | Err. π | Parallax uncertainty | mas | stat.error;pos.parallax |
parallax_bibcode | Src. π | Reference for the parallax; missing values here mean the parallax is taken from another member of the system | N/A | meta.bib;pos.parallax |
pmra | PM RA | Proper motion in right ascension | mas/yr |;pos.eq.ra |
pmra_error | Err. PM RA | Proper motion uncertainty in right ascension | mas/yr | stat.error;;pos.eq.ra |
pmdec | PM Dec | Proper motion in declination | mas/yr |;pos.eq.dec |
pmdec_error | Err. PM Dec | Proper motion uncertainty in declination | mas/yr | stat.error;;pos.eq.dec |
pm_bibcode | Src. PM | Reference for the proper motion; missing values here mean that the proper motion was taken from another member of the system | N/A | meta.ref;;pos.eq.ra |
rv | RV | Line-of-sight velocity | km/s | spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_error | Err. RV | Line-of-sight velocity uncertainty | km/s | stat.error;spect.dopplerVeloc |
rv_bibcode | Src. RV | Reference for the line-of-sight velocity | N/A | meta.ref;spect.dopplerVeloc |
sp_type | Spectral | Spectral type | N/A | src.sptype |
sp_bibcode | Src. Spectral | Reference for spectral type | N/A | meta.ref;src.sptype |
sp_method | Spec. Meth. | Method used to derive the spectral type | N/A | meta.code |
g_code | Src. G | Source of the value of the G magnitude (see note) [Note g] | N/A | meta.code;phot.mag;em.opt.V |
mag_g | m_G | Gaia G band magnitude measured (when g_code is 2 or 3) | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
mag_g_estimate | Est. G | Estimated Gaia G band magnitude (when g_code is not 2 or 3) | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
mag_gbp | m_BP | Gaia BP band magnitude | N/A | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
mag_grp | m_RP | Gaia RP band magnitude | N/A | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
mag_u | Mag_u | Magnitude in U | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.U |
mag_b | Mag_b | Magnitude in B | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.B |
mag_v | Mag_v | Magnitude in V | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.V |
mag_r | Mag_r | Magnitude in R | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.R |
mag_i | Mag_i | Magnitude in I | mag | phot.mag;em.opt.I |
mag_j | Mag_j | Magnitude in J | mag | phot.mag; |
mag_h | Mag_h | Magnitude in H | mag | phot.mag; |
mag_k | Mag_k | Magnitude in K | mag | phot.mag; |
system_bibcode | Src. Multip. | Reference for multiplicity or exoplanets | N/A | meta.ref |
exoplanet_count | #Planets | Number of confirmed exoplanets | N/A | meta.number |
gaia_dr2 | DR2 id | Gaia DR2 identifier | N/A | |
gaia_edr3 | DR3 id | Gaia DR3 identifier | N/A | |
simbad_name | SIMBAD | Name resolved by SIMBAD | N/A | |
common_name | Common name | Common name | N/A | |
gj | GJ id | Gliese and Jahreiß catalogue identifier | N/A | |
hd | HD | Henry Draper catalogue identifier | N/A | |
hip | HIP | Hipparcos catalogue identifier | N/A | |
comment | Comment | Additional comments on exoplanets, multiplicity, etc | N/A | meta.note |
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g_code is:
2: | retrieved from Gaia DR2 |
3: | retrieved from Gaia eDR3 |
10: | Estimated from spectral type via the calibration of absolute magnitude versus spectral type computed within GCNS. |
20: | Estimated from M_G=25 (i.e., a lower limit). This is used for late T and Y brown drawfs too faint for Gaia. |