Table information for 'wfpdb.archives'


Table Description: A table of plate archives included in the WFPDB or scheduled for inclusion, as well as the properties of the instruments used to take the data.

This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description:

The Wide-Field Plate Database (WFPDB) contains the descriptive information for the astronomical wide-field (>1°) photographic observations stored in numerous archives all over the world. The total number of these observations, obtained since the end of the 19th century with more then 200 instruments (telescopes) is about 2 550 000 from 509 archives.

The WFPDB is continually being updated, providing currently access to the information for about 640 000 plates from 117 plate archives (30% of the estimated total number of wide-field plates)

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Wide-Field Plate Database WFPDB'

Citing this table

This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 1995LNP...454..412T (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={{WFPDB} Archives Table},
  author={Tsvetkov, M.K. and Stavrev, K.Y. and Tsvetkova, K.P. and Mutafov, A.S. and Semkov, E.H. and Kalaglarsky, D.},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center}


Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
instr_id Instr. Id WFPDB-internal instrument designation N/A;instr
archive_id Archive Id WFPDB-internal archive designation, consisting of the instrument id, the archive code, and the site code. N/A;meta.main
wfpdb_status Inc? Inclusion status of plates from this archive: * - at disposal in SSADC, not yet converted in computer-readable form, ** - in preparation in SSADC, converted in computer readable form, *** - included in the WFPDB and available on-line. N/A meta.code
instr_name Instr. name Original name of the instrument as used by the relevant observatory N/A;instr
archive_location Location Location of the plate archive N/A;instr.obsty
arch_part Part Code for a sub-archive when an instrument's archive is split across several sites N/A N/A
inst_name Institute Name of the hosting institution N/A N/A
site_code C Code for the instrument site when the instrument was operated from several locations. N/A
site_name Site Observatory site N/A;instr.obsty
country Country Country the observatory is located in. N/A;
mpc_number MPC Minor Planet Center observatory code N/A;instr.obsty
time_zone Zone Time difference to Greenwich h time;arith.diff
long Long. Geographical longitude of the observatory. deg
lat Lat. Geographical latitude of the observatory. deg
altitude Alt. Altitude of the observatory. m
n_tubes #Tubes Number of telescope tubes. N/A meta.number;
aperture Aper. Clear aperture of the telescope. m phys.size;
diameter Diameter Diameter of the primary mirror or the objective lens m N/A
focal_length F.l. Focal length of the telescope m
plate_scale Scale Plate scale arcsec/mm N/A
inst_type Type Instrument type: Ast-astrograph, Cam-camera, FEC-fish eye camera, Men-meniscus, RCr-Ritchey-Chretien, Rfl-reflector, Rfr- refractor, Sch-Schmidt N/A N/A
ang_size Size Maximum angular size of the field of view. deg phys.angsize;instr.fov
op_begin From Year telescope operations started. yr time.epoch
op_end To Year telescope operations ended. yr time.epoch
det_type Det Detector used: blank--plate, F--film, X--film and plate N/A meta.code;instr
n_direct #Direct Number of direct plates in the archive. N/A meta.number;obs
n_prism #Prism Number of prism plates in the archive. N/A meta.number;obs
contact Contact Name of the contact person. N/A N/A

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


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