Further access options are discussed below
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this service's resource, see Information on resource 'Wide-Field Plate Database WFPDB'
You can access this service using:
Time covered by this resource's data: 1858.88 2189.01
This service is published as follows:
local means it is listed on our front page, ivo_managed means it has a record in the VO registry.
The following fields are available to provide input to the service (with some renderers, some of these fields may be unavailable):
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
DEC | Delta (ICRS) | Declination (ICRS decimal) | deg | pos.eq.dec |
epoch | Obs. Epoch | Epoch of observation start (UT) | yr | time.epoch |
hscs_pos | Position/Name | Coordinates (as h m s, d m s or decimal degrees), or SIMBAD-resolvable object | N/A | N/A |
hscs_sr | Search radius | Search radius in arcminutes | N/A | N/A |
maxrec | Match limit | Maximum number of records returned. Pass 0 to retrieve service parameters. | N/A | N/A |
object | Object | Object or field name as given by observer | N/A | meta.id;src |
object_type | Type | Type of the target object | N/A | src.class |
RA | Alpha (ICRS) | Right Ascension (ICRS decimal) | deg | pos.eq.ra |
responseformat | Output Format | File format requested for output. | N/A | meta.code.mime |
SR | Search Radius | Search radius | deg | N/A |
verb | Verbosity | Exhaustiveness of column selection. VERB=1 only returns the most important columns, VERB=2 selects the columns deemed useful to the average user, VERB=3 returns a table with all available columns. | N/A | N/A |
waveband | Band | Spectral Band | N/A | instr.bandpass |
wfpdbid | Wfpdbid | WFPDB identifier of the plate, consisting of an observatory identifier, the instrument aperture, an instrument suffix, a plate number, and a suffix to it. | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
The following fields are contained in the output by default. More fields may be available for selection; these would be given below in the VOTable output fields.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
_r | Dist. | Distance to cone center | deg | pos.distance |
coord_problem | Coords? | Quality flag for the coordinates (empty means no known problems) | N/A | meta.note |
dej2000 | Dec | Declination of the plate center (ICRS) Note p | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main |
emulsion | Emulsion | Emulsion type | N/A | instr.plate.emulsion |
epoch | Obs. Epoch | Epoch of observation start (UT) | yr | time.epoch |
exptime | Exp. Time | Exposure time (for multiple exposures, this is for the first exposure; for the others, see notes) | s | time.duration;obs.exposure |
filter | Filter | Filter type | N/A | meta.id;instr.filter |
instr_id | Instr. | WFPDB instrument identifier. TDB: Foreign key | N/A | meta.id;instr |
method | Method | Method of observation | N/A | instr.setup |
notes | Notes | Various longer remarks | N/A | meta.note |
object | Object | Object or field name as given by observer | N/A | meta.id;src |
object_type | Type | Type of the target object | N/A | src.class |
quality | Quality | Quality-related information in free text. | N/A | meta.note |
raj2000 | RA | Right ascension of the plate center (ICRS) Note p | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main |
time_problem | Epoch? | Quality flag for the epoch (empty means no known problems) | N/A | meta.note |
waveband | Band | Spectral Band | N/A | instr.bandpass |
wfpdbid | Wfpdbid | WFPDB identifier of the plate, consisting of an observatory identifier, the instrument aperture, an instrument suffix, a plate number, and a suffix to it. | N/A | meta.id;meta.main |
The following fields are available in VOTable output. The verbosity level is a number intended to represent the relative importance of the field on a scale of 1 to 30. The services take a VERB argument. A field is included in the output if their verbosity level is less or equal VERB*10.
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD | Verb. Level |
wfpdbid | Wfpdbid | WFPDB identifier of the plate, consisting of an observatory identifier, the instrument aperture, an instrument suffix, a plate number, and a suffix to it. | N/A | meta.id;meta.main | 1 |
raj2000 | RA | Right ascension of the plate center (ICRS) Note p | deg | pos.eq.ra;meta.main | 1 |
dej2000 | Dec | Declination of the plate center (ICRS) Note p | deg | pos.eq.dec;meta.main | 1 |
epoch | Obs. Epoch | Epoch of observation start (UT) | yr | time.epoch | 1 |
object | Object | Object or field name as given by observer | N/A | meta.id;src | 5 |
_r | Dist. | Distance to cone center | deg | pos.distance | 10 |
instr_id | Instr. | WFPDB instrument identifier. TDB: Foreign key | N/A | meta.id;instr | 15 |
coord_problem | Coords? | Quality flag for the coordinates (empty means no known problems) | N/A | meta.note | 15 |
time_problem | Epoch? | Quality flag for the epoch (empty means no known problems) | N/A | meta.note | 15 |
object_type | Type | Type of the target object | N/A | src.class | 15 |
method | Method | Method of observation | N/A | instr.setup | 15 |
exptime | Exp. Time | Exposure time (for multiple exposures, this is for the first exposure; for the others, see notes) | s | time.duration;obs.exposure | 15 |
emulsion | Emulsion | Emulsion type | N/A | instr.plate.emulsion | 15 |
filter | Filter | Filter type | N/A | meta.id;instr.filter | 15 |
waveband | Band | Spectral Band | N/A | instr.bandpass | 15 |
notes | Notes | Various longer remarks | N/A | meta.note | 15 |
quality | Quality | Quality-related information in free text. | N/A | meta.note | 15 |
xsize | Width | Width of the plate | cm | phys.size;instr.det | 23 |
ysize | Height | Height of the plate | cm | phys.size;instr.det | 23 |
observer | Observer | Name(s) of the persons having performed the observation. | N/A | obs.observer | 23 |
availability | Availability | Free text on how to find the plate. | N/A | meta.note | 25 |
digitization | Digitization | Information on possible ways to access plate scans in free text. | N/A | meta.note | 25 |
VOResource XML (that's something exclusively for VO nerds)
Positions are from the observatory logs where a plate solution is not available. They are taken from empirical plate solutions otherwise.