These services deliver products from the CFHTLS-Archive-Research Survey (CARS). The survey currently offers derived products from 37 sq. degrees of the Wide part from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS). The main documentation for the products, its creation and its content is the publication 2009A&A...493.1197E. Here, we discuss some points which are not evident from this publication.
For each 1 sq. deg. CARS pointing we currently offer the following products (we discuss them on the example of the CARS pointing W1m0p1); a typical file is named The name contains the following information:
The individual files we offer are:
An ASCII ds9 region file containing saoimage/ds9 polygon entries (in pixel coordinates). They represent the CARS image masks described in Sect. 3.4 of 2009A&A...493.1197E. Polygons originating from different masking procedures are encoded with different colours (look at expressions such as '# color=yellow' at the end of each line). We offer this file so that interested users can construct own masks containing only parts of our global MASK key. (typical gzipped file size per field: 1MB)
The colour coding in these files is as follows:
low resolution true colour i', r' and g' JPG image of the CARS field. These images allow a quick look at the data but they are probably not suitable for high-quality poster print-outs. (typical file size per field: 10MB)
low resolution JPG image showing object positions and object masks overlayed on the i'-band image. It allows a quick-look at field-layout and object positions. (typical file size per field: 3MB)
The colour coding in this is:
See 2009A&A...493.1197E, in particular Sect. 4, and the SExtractor Users manual for a description of most catalogue entries. Also see the table notes.
Metadata for CARS object catalogues in FITS binary format; beware that they are very big and cumbersome to handle if you do not have efficient tools to work on big FITS binary tables! (typical file size per field: 0.5GB)
Metadata for co-added CFHTLS archive images used for producing the CARS source list (cars.srccat).
Metadata for low resolution JPG images showing object positions and object masks overlayed on the CARS i'-band image. It allows a quick-look at field-layout and object positions. (typical file size per field: 3MB)
The colour coding in this is:
Metadata for CARS region files.
An ASCII ds9 region file containing saoimage/ds9 polygon entries (in pixel coordinates). They represent the CARS image masks described in Sect. 3.4 of 2009A&A...493.1197E. Polygons originating from different masking procedures are encoded with different colours (look at expressions such as '# color=yellow' at the end of each line). We offer this file so that interested users can construct own masks containing only parts of our global MASK key. (typical gzipped file size per field: 1MB)
The colour coding in these files is as follows:
Metadata for low resolution true colour i', r' and g' JPG images of the CARS fields. These images allow a quick look at the data but they are probably not suitable for high-quality poster print-outs. (typical file size per field: 10MB)
If you use the CARS products for your own research, please give proper acknowledgment to CADC, the CFHTLS project and the publication 2009A&A...493.1197E