Information on resource 'UCAC3 nocross'
The Third US Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph catalogue (UCAC3) is an
all-sky catalgoue containing just over 100 million objects covering
about R = 8-16 mag. This table contains the original data content of
UCAC3 but leaves out the data objetained by crossmatching to other
Services defined within this resource descriptor
- Corrections between UCAC3 and PPMXL
Differences between UCAC3 and PPMXL in positions and proper
motions, on
an all-sky one-degree grid. At each gridpoint we give the
differences X(PPMXL)- X(UCAC3) averaged over all stars in
a sqrt(2)/2-degrees environment around the gridpoint given. The
corrections given here should bring UCAC3 based astrometry to the ICRS.
Tables defined within this resource descriptor
- ucac3.icrscorr – queryable through TAP and ADQL
Corrections between UCAC3 and the ICRS as represented by PPMXL on a
grid of degrees, obtained by substracting UCAC3 from PPMXL in cones of
radius sqrt(2)/2 degrees around the given center position.
- ucac3.main – queryable through TAP and ADQL
The UCAC3 all-sky CCD astrograph catalogue, minus the fields from
2MASS and SuperCosmos and matching/object flags (which can be
recovered with a local crossmatch).
- ucac3.ppmxlcross – queryable through TAP and ADQL
A crossmatch between UCAC3 and PPMXL, created solely based on
positions with a window of 1.5 arcsec radius.
[Manage RD]