Table information for ''


This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.

Resource Description: A time integrated search for point sources of cosmic neutrinos was performed using the data collected from January 2007 to November 2012 by the ANTARES neutrino telescope. This dataset includes a total of 5921 events obtained during the effective livetime of 1338 days.

For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource '2007-2012 ANTARES search for cosmic neutrino point sources'

Citing this table

This table has an associated publication. If you use data from it, it may be appropriate to reference 2014ApJ...786L...5A (ADS BibTeX entry for the publication) either in addition to or instead of the service reference.

To cite the table as such, we suggest the following BibTeX entry:

  title={2007-2012 {ANTARES} search for cosmic neutrino point sources},
  author={Adrián-Martínez, S. and Samarai, I. Al and Albert, A. and André, M. and Anghinolfi, M. and Anton, G. and Anvar, S. and Ardid, M. and Astraatmadja, T. and Aubert, J.-J. and Baret, B. and Basa, S. and Bertin, V. and Biagi, S. and Bigongiari, C. and Bogazzi, C. and Bou-Cabo, M. and Bouhou, B. and Bouwhuis, M. C. and Brunner, J. and Busto, J. and Capone, A. and Cârloganu, C. and Carr, J. and Cecchini, S. and Charif, Z. and Charvis, Ph. and Chiarusi, T. and Circella, M. and Coniglione, R. and Core, L. and Costantini, H. and Coyle, P. and Creusot, A. and Curtil, C. and De Bonis, G. and Decowski, M. P. and Dekeyser, I. and Deschamps, A. and Distefano, C. and Donzaud, C. and Dornic, D. and Dorosti, Q. and Drouhin, D. and Eberl, T. and Emanuele, U. and Enzenhöfer, A. and Ernenwein, J.-P. and Escoffier, S. and Fehn, K. and Fermani, P. and Ferri, M. and Ferry, S. and Flaminio, V. and Folger, F. and Fritsch, U. and Fuda, J.-L. and Galatà, S. and Gay, P. and Geyer, K. and Giacomelli, G. and Giordano, V. and Gleixner, A. and Gómez-González, J. P. and Graf, K. and Guillard, G. and Hallewell, G. and Hamal, M. and van Haren, H. and Heijboer, A. J. and Hello, Y. and Hernández-Rey, J. J. and Herold, B. and Hößl, J. and Hsu, C. C. and de Jong, M. and Kadler, M. and Kalekin, O. and Kappes, A. and Katz, U. and Kavatsyuk, O. and Kooijman, P. and Kopper, C. and Kouchner, A. and Kreykenbohm, I. and Kulikovskiy, V. and Lahmann, R. and Lambard, G. and Larosa, G. and Lattuada, D. and Leonora, E. and Lefèvre, D. and Lim, G. and Lo Presti, D. and Loehner, H. and Loucatos, S. and Louis, F. and Mangano, S. and Marcelin, M. and Margiotta, A. and Martínez-Mora, J. A. and Meli, A. and Montaruli, T. and Morganti, M. and Motz, H. and Neff, M. and Nezri, E. and Palioselitis, D. and Păvălaş, G. E. and Payet, K. and Petrovic, J. and Piattelli, P. and Popa, V. and Pradier, T. and Presani, E. and Racca, C. and Reed, C. and Riccobene, G. and Richter, R. and Rivière, C. and Robert, A. and Roensch, K. and Rostovtsev, A. and Ruiz-Rivas, J. and Rujoiu, M. and Samtleben, D. F. E. and Sapienza, P. and Schmid, J. and Schnabel, J. and Schuller, J.-P. and Schüssler, F. and Seitz, T. and Shanidze, R. and Simeone, F. and Spies, A. and Spurio, M. and Steijger, J. J. M. and Stolarczyk, Th. and Sánchez-Losa, A. and Taiuti, M. and Tamburini, C. and Trovato, A. and Vallage, B. and Vallée, C. and Van Elewyck, V. and Vecchi, M. and Vernin, P. and Visser, E. and Wagner, S. and Wijnker, G. and Wilms, J. and de Wolf, E. and Yepes, H. and Zaborov, D. and Zornoza, J. D. and Zúñiga, J.},
  howpublished={{VO} resource provided by the {GAVO} Data Center},
  doi = {10.21938/3s.6Hgcg_m15a3eFUGciig}

If you use this data in published research, please let know.

Resource Documentation

This table can be used for TAP queries. To give you an idea of what you can do, there's an example in the TAP service.

A worked out use case (on a previous, but analogous version) on comparing IceCube and Antares data using TOPCAT was kindly contributed by Vladimir Kulikovsky.

Here is another sample query that gives, for all the areas of the neutrinos, the average energy and the number of photons per area from the ROSAT survey:

        AVG(energy_cor) AS mean_energy,
JOIN rosat.photons AS p on
1=CONTAINS(POINT('', p.raj2000, p.dej2000),origin_est)
GROUP BY, ang_error

Note that since this has to do a linear scan through the relatively large ROSAT photon table, the query will take a while; you will need to execute it in async mode.

In a separate step, you could compute these averages for the entire table and see if some systematics show up.


Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
id Id Identifier for this neutrino. N/A;meta.main
raj2000 RA Right Ascension, ICRS deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dej2000 Dec Declination, ICRS deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main
n_hits N Number of signals from the photo multiplier tubes contributing to this observation. N/A meta.number;obs
ang_error Ang. Error 1 sigma confidence radius of the position. deg stat.error;pos
epoch_mjd t_arr Arrival time in UTC TOPOCENTER. d time.epoch
origin_est Est. Origin A circle around the most likely position with ang_error radius (for convenient matching). N/A pos.outline;obs.field

Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.


The following services may use the data contained in this table:


VO nerds may sometimes need VOResource XML for this table.