Information on resource 'Astrometric Microlensing Events Predicted from Gaia eDR3'

From the Gaia eDR3 catalogue we predict astrometric microlensing events by foreground stars with high proper motion (μ > 100 mas/yr) passing a background source in the next decades. Using Gaia DR3 photometry we determine an approximate mass of the lens, which we use to calculate the expected microlensing effects. This yields 4842 microlensing events by 3791 different lenses between 2010 and 2066 with expected shifts larger than 0.1 mas between the lensed and unlensed positions of the source. The past events might be interested when analyzing the individual Gaia measurements). 685 of those are expected to happen within the next decade (2021-2031). For 140 events we also expect a magnification between 1 mmag and 0.6 mag.

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