A validator for IVOA identifiers, checking conformity to version 2 of the specification.
The service returns results in a tabular format, where an identifier is valid if no row with msg_type="ERROR" is present.
As per DALI, the format of the table returned can be controlled through the RESPONSEFORMAT parameter; for machine consumption, the most useful values for that parameter are probably json and votable.
The code used here is available at http://svn.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/svn/gavo/hdinputs/ivoidval
This service implements the Identifiers 2.0 suggestion for how to resolve an IVOA publisher dataset identifier; that is, it tries to resolve the registry part to Datalink, SSAP, or Obscore capabilities and tries those to find access URLs. If that fails, it repeats this procedure for services that the base resource declares as served-by.
The code used here is available at http://svn.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/svn/gavo/hdinputs/ivoidval.
See also Examples