As the capability type is in ↗rr.capability, whereas the access URL can be found from ↗rr.interface, this requires a (natural) join.
Clients communicating with a RegTAP 1.1 or later service should request the new authenticated_only column. If this is 1, the service requires some sort of authentication and should only presented to users if a client has the necessary infrastructure for the authentication system.
Hence, clients only interested in services not requiring authentication should use
SELECT ivoid, access_url FROM rr.capability NATURAL JOIN rr.interface WHERE standard_id like 'ivo://' AND intf_role='std' AND authenticated_only=0
Analogous considerations apply to the other example queries
Other standard_id-s relevant here include:
This is somewhat tricky since it is probably hard to image a part of the sky guaranteed not to have some, possibly distant, spiral galaxy in it. However, translating the intention into “find all SIA services that mention spiral in either the subject (from ↗rr.res_subject), the description, or the title (which are in ↗rr.resource)“, the query would become:
SELECT ivoid, access_url FROM rr.capability NATURAL JOIN rr.resource NATURAL JOIN rr.interface NATURAL JOIN rr.res_subject WHERE standard_id like 'ivo://' AND intf_role='std' AND ( 1=ivo_nocasematch(res_subject, '%spiral%') OR 1=ivo_hasword(res_description, 'spiral') OR 1=ivo_hasword(res_title, 'spiral'))
The waveband information in ↗rr.resource comes in hash-separated atoms (which can be terms from For matching those, use the ivo_hashlist_has function as below. The access URL and the service standard come from ↗rr.interface and ↗rr.capability, respectively.
SELECT ivoid, access_url FROM rr.capability NATURAL JOIN rr.resource NATURAL JOIN rr.interface WHERE standard_id LIKE 'ivo://' AND intf_role='std' AND 1=ivo_hashlist_has(waveband, 'infrared')
Metadata on columns exposed by a service are contained in ↗rr.table_column. Again, this table can be naturally joined with ↗rr.capability and ↗rr.interface.
SELECT ivoid, access_url FROM rr.capability NATURAL JOIN rr.table_column NATURAL JOIN rr.interface WHERE standard_id LIKE 'ivo://' AND intf_role='std' AND ucd='src.redshift'
Sometimes you want to match a whole set of ucds. Frequently the simple regular expressions of SQL will help, as in AND ucd LIKE 'pos.parallax\%'. When that is not enough, use boolean OR expressions.
This uses the ↗rr.res_role table both to match names (in this case, a publisher that has “gavo” in its name) and to ascertain the named entity actually publishes the resource (rather than, e.g., just being the contact in case of trouble). The result is a list of ivoids in this case. You could join this with any other table in the relational registry to find out more about these services.
SELECT ivoid FROM rr.res_role WHERE 1=ivo_nocasematch(role_name, '%gavo%') AND base_role='publisher'
or, if the publisher actually gives its ivo-id in the registry records:
SELECT ivoid FROM rr.res_role WHERE role_ivoid='ivo://ned.ipac/ned' AND base_role='publisher'
This is mainly a query interesting for registry maintainers. Still, it is a nice example for joining with the ↗rr.res_detail table, in this case to first get a list of all authorities managed by the CDS registry.
SELECT ivoid FROM rr.resource RIGHT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT 'ivo://' || detail_value || '%' AS pat FROM rr.res_detail WHERE detail_xpath='/managedAuthority' AND ivoid='ivo://cds.vizier/registry') AS authpatterns ON 1=ivo_nocasematch(resource.ivoid, authpatterns.pat)
This is the discovery query for RegTAP services themselves; note how this combines ↗rr.res_detail pairs with ↗rr.capability and ↗rr.interface to locate the desired protocol endpoints. As clients should not usally be concerned with minor versions of protocols unless they rely on additions made in later versions, this query will return endpoints supporting “version 1” rather than exactly version 1.2.
SELECT access_url FROM rr.interface NATURAL JOIN rr.capability NATURAL JOIN rr.res_detail WHERE standard_id LIKE 'ivo://' AND intf_role='std' AND detail_xpath='/capability/dataModel/@ivo-id' AND 1=ivo_nocasematch(detail_value, 'ivo://') AND authenticated_only=0
“Certain features” could be “have some word in their description and having a column with a certain UCD”. Either way, this kind of query fairly invariably combines the usual ↗rr.capability and ↗rr.interface for service location with ↗rr.table_column for the column metadata and ↗rr.res_table for properties of tables.
SELECT ivoid, name, ucd, column_description, access_url FROM rr.capability NATURAL JOIN rr.interface NATURAL JOIN rr.table_column NATURAL JOIN rr.res_table WHERE standard_id LIKE 'ivo://' AND intf_role='std' AND 1=ivo_hasword(table_description, 'quasar') AND ucd='phot.mag;em.opt.v'
The metadata required to solve this problem is found in the SSAP registry extension and is thus kept in ↗rr.res_detail:
SELECT access_url FROM rr.res_detail NATURAL JOIN rr.capability NATURAL JOIN rr.interface WHERE detail_xpath='/capability/dataSource' AND intf_role='std' AND standard_id LIKE 'ivo://' AND detail_value='theory'
This uses the ↗rr.res_role table and returns all information on it based on the IVOID of a service that in turn was obtained from ↗rr.interface. You could restrict to the actual technical contact person by requiring base_role='contact'.
SELECT DISTINCT base_role, role_name, email FROM rr.res_role NATURAL JOIN rr.interface WHERE access_url=''
In the VO, data providers can register data collections either as such or with “auxiliary capabilities” that are fully described elsewhere; a practice for doing that is discussed in an Endorsed Note on discovering data collections within services.
When following this pattern, data collections records should provide an isServedBy relationship to the resources providing the access services for the data collection (like a TAP or a SIAP service).
While the access URLs can typically be established from the auxiliary capabilities themselves, several use cases require finding out more about the publishing service. To locate its metadata, inspect ↗rr.relationship and use it to select records from ↗rr.capability; this requires an explicit join condition, as in this case the capabilities are for the related record, not for the originally matched one.
SELECT * FROM rr.relationship AS a JOIN rr.capability AS b ON (a.related_id=b.ivoid) WHERE relationship_type='isservedby' AND a.ivoid='ivo://cds.vizier/j/a+a/649/a25'
Consider the example: ”Give me resources that cover M 101 (α=210.80, δ=54.35, Diameter about 0.3°) in the mid-infrared around 5μm in August 2010.
Without further database support, clients need to manually convert the spectral coordinate to energy (hc/λ ≈ 3.97 × 10-20 J and time (August 1st, 2010 starts MJD 55409.0) to the quantities RegTAP expects.
This would yield a query like (the explicit MOC conversion is a common device to speed the query up; without it, the database would convert the circle once for each coverage, to the respective order):
SELECT ivoid FROM rr.stc_spatial NATURAL JOIN rr.stc_spectral NATURAL JOIN rr.stc_temporal WHERE 1=CONTAINS(MOC(8, CIRCLE(210.80, 54.35, 0.3)), coverage) AND 1=ivo_interval_overlaps(time_start, time_end, 55409, 55440) AND 3.97e-20 between spectral_start and spectral_end
In particular when more complex geometries are desired, clients will want to pass in MOCs directly. Conversely, RegTAP services may provide the additional user-defined functions that allow specifying temporal and spectral constraints in different, perhaps human-friendlier ways. For instance, once support for the relevant UDFs is established using the TAP capabilities, the above query could also be written as (the MOC given is the circle above at order 8):
SELECT ivoid FROM rr.stc_spatial NATURAL JOIN rr.stc_spectral NATURAL JOIN rr.stc_temporal WHERE 1=CONTAINS(MOC('8/182947 182950 182952-182953 182955-182956 8/'), coverage) AND 1=ivo_interval_overlaps( time_start, time_end, gavo_to_mjd('2010-08-01'), gavo_to_mjd('2010-08-31')) AND gavo_specconv(5e-6, 'm', 'J') between spectral_start and spectral_end
Using the gavo_vocmatch user-defined-functions, you can do what is called query expansion in information retrieval, that is: not only query for a keyword, but also for related terms.
In the relational registry, this concerns subjects, which should come from the IVOA rendering of the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus. To find resources for brown dwarfs, you would query:
SELECT ivoid, res_subject FROM rr.res_subject WHERE res_subject='brown-dwarfs'
However, this will miss resources talking about t-dwarfs, l-dwarfs and several other concepts. To include those (“narrower”) concepts, write:
SELECT ivoid, res_subject FROM rr.res_subject WHERE 1=gavo_vocmatch('uat', 'brown-dwarfs', res_subject)
instead. In reality, far too few data providers actually use the UAT (correctly). We hence have a local extension table, ↗rr.subject_uat, that is res_subject with legacy terms mapped to UAT concept identifiers (translated to plain English: use this table instead of ↗rr.res_subject for the time being). In there, you would do something like:
SELECT ivoid, uat_concept FROM rr.subject_uat WHERE 1=gavo_vocmatch('uat', 'brown-dwarfs', uat_concept)
Several (but unfortunately by no means all) service operators define the spatial coverage of their services. This information is havested into the proposed new relational registry table ↗rr.stc_spatial. One way to use this information is to match the resources against the points in an upload and perhaps see if they are in the infrared band, like this:
SELECT ivoid FROM rr.resource NATURAL JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ivoid FROM rr.stc_spatial AS db JOIN TAP_UPLOAD.t1 AS tc ON 1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', tc.ra, tc.dec), coverage)) AS spate WHERE 1=ivo_hashlist_has(waveband, 'Infrared')
As usual, you will have to adapt the index after TAP_UPLOAD. To find out access URLs of these services, NATURAL JOIN with rr.interface. For more information, see also the RegTAP specification